Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sampler Bags!

Hey guys!  Been busy, busy, busy with soap wrapping and packaging, etc. for a couple more local shows around here.  Just wanted to take a minute a get some feed back on a new package I have added to my product line.  I call it Southern Pines Sampler Bag.  I have included some pictures too.  I'm hoping it will be popular for giving inexpensive but nice gifts to teachers, secretaries, bosses, etc. for christmas.  It includes a sample size of my soap, whipped sugar scrub and bath salts for $5.00.  Let me know what you guys think in your comments.  Until next time......



Unknown said...

Awesome idea! Great Promotion!

Gayla Tanner said...

I think it's great! It would be great for stocking stuffers for friends and relatives too.